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How do physiotherapists use painless techniques to alleviate breast engorgement?

How do physiotherapists use painless techniques to alleviate breast engorgement? (by Sportsperformance Physiotherapy)

In recent years, there has been increasing encouragement for breastfeeding. However, many new mothers often experience the problem of breast engorgement during breastfeeding.


There are three major causes of Breast engorgement: Breast congestion, Blocked Duct and Mastitis.

  • Breast congestion: During lactation, the breasts become congested and filled with milk. When a mother produces an excessive amount of milk or has irregular breastfeeding time, the milk may not be promptly discharged, leading to breast engorgement.
  • Blocked Duct: When milk cannot be properly expelled or there is a blocked duct, the breasts can become swollen. This may be due to nipple fissures, inadequate breast emptying, improper breast massage, or breast infections.
  • Mastitis: it is an infection or inflammation of the breast tissue, often accompanied by symptoms such as breast swelling, redness, pain, and fever.


Physiotherapists can use painless techniques to alleviate breast engorgement and help mothers expel excess milk for a smoother breastfeeding process. This treatment method primarily utilizes manual lymph drainage, gently stretching the skin in specific directions through manual movements. By varying the pressure beneath the skin, a suction effect is created in the tissues, promoting the circulation of the subcutaneous lymphatic vessels.


If you are a breastfeeding mother, it may be worth considering to seek the assistance of a physiotherapist to enhance your breastfeeding experience, making it more relaxed and enjoyable.


Learn more about Post-natal Physiotherapy and Women's Health Problems


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